Aspen is made out of 100% Great Lakes Aspen Wood. There are no harmful wood acids, chemicals, or oils in Aspen.
Pine is made out of Pine Wood. It is very harmful and can cause respiratory problems. Pine contains abietic acid. Abietic acid is a skin and respitory irritant and causes respiratory problems to hamster as well as other animals.
Carefresh bedding comes in many colors. This makes it great for cage themes. You can use different colors for different seasons and holidays.
If you can't afford Carefresh or aspen then you can get off-brands or cheaper versions of Carefresh such as Boxo, Carefresh Crinkles or Clean and Cozy.
Carefresh is made out of short-fiber pulp that cannot be made into paper. There is no inks, dyes, or any other harmful chemical. This makes it one of the top recommended bedding for small animals.
Cedar is made out of Cedar Wood. It is very harmful and can cause respiratory problems because of the Phenols (carbolic acid). Cedar is sometimes used for repelling insects such as moths.