Hamsters are, yes, omnivores. They can eat fully cooked chicken and fully cooked beef. They cannot eat raw meat. Hamsters can eat eggs, dried,frozen, or head crushed mealworms, peanuts though in small amounts, crickets and grasshoppers (dead), fish, but avoid anchovies, they do not usually like them, and avoid fish with small bones unless it is salmon or whitebait, these fish have soft bones and easy to chew.

Hamsters cannot be bathed with water or any other liquid of the sort. Some pet stores sell hamster shampoos or conditioners supposedly for cleaning the hamsters fur. These are also very dangerous and should not be used at any point in time unless it is recommended by a qualified veterinarian.

Onions have a organosulfur compound called N-propyldisulfide which causes damage to the hamsters red blood cells. It is used in many foods as a food addictive and flavoring.

Lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, pometo, yuzu, citron, Citrus myrtifolia, Kabosu fruit, and many hybrids (Mixed citrus fruits), are all examples of citrus fruits.

Garlic can cause indigestion which causes pain in the stomach and complications digesting. ​

Sugar can cause Diabetes to Chinese hamsters, Campbell's Russian dwarf hamsters, and Winter White dwarf hamsters. Robovroski hamsters are extremely unlikley to get diabetes but it is still possible. But it still does have side affects to those who are not prone to to diabetes. It is terrible for their teeth but it is very fattening.

Hamster leashes are commonly sold in pet stores for "taking your hamster for a walk". Taking your hamster for a "walk" is very dangerous. If your hamster escapes from the harness or collar they will most likely run off. Hamsters bought in pet stores and shelters are not capable of surviving outside of a enclosed habitat because they have not been taught how to fend for themselves. If you would like to take your hamster outside for some fresh air then i recommend you built or buy a playpen or enclosure with a base.  Do not take your hamster anywhere near grass that has been fertilized with chemicals. If you feel more comfortable with a roof to protect your hamster from birds then you may put a piece of cardboard blanket or other on top. Though it is very unlikely that a bird big enough to eat or even carry a rodent such as a hamster would try to when a human is near.  Be sure to keep a close eye on your hamster because if they escape there is no promise that they will be returning. If you grass or yard is sprayed with weed killer  or other chemicals you should not take them outside. Hamsters could also be choked by the neck strap. There are also many harmful gems on the pavement/sidewalk you do not want you hamster to come in contact with. Overall the "hamster leash" should not be purchased under any circumstances.

Hamsters cannot eat any citrus fruits. The citric acid is to much for their stomach to handle.

A nice chocolate treat may not be so nice to your hamster. Even a little bit can do as much as kill them. Why? Well there is way to much sugar and there is a chemical called Theobromine which is a caffeine-like stimulant. This chemical causes high blood pressure, liver failure, and an irregular heartbeat. The reason we can eat chocolate without any complications is because our livers can process theobromine more effeciantly than a rodent can. And don't think dark chocolate (which has less sugar) will not harm them because it is even more deadly than milk chocolate.

Hamsters should not be fed any foods with spices or anything spicy or hot. If these are consumed they will most likely cause indigestion (pain in the stomach).